x Dishes
x Breakfast
x Shower
- Backwash pool
x BFY Rolls
x Deviled eggs
x Cut up chicken
This is just for me. A place I can let it all hang out, so to speak/type. Not one of those uppity sites like where life is always picture perfect. =) On the outsdie anyways!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Yesterday's checklist
Thursday, August 9, 2012
TGVCU day 6
Five days deserves a break, so I took one. The habit is already ingrained though, because I caught myself on a few occasions heading to my project. I happily decided to spend time with my children and husband though, which was wonderful.
If I thought I was beaming yesterday, that was a dim light compared to the blinding glow I felt today when I overheard my husband tell our children he "got lost" in the newly decluttered area of the basement. I think it was more of a 'I don't know where I am because it's never looked so good down here' kind of lost. Not like before, where you could lose your way if you didn't leave a trail of soup noodles behind you!
TGVCU day 5
The biggest dent of all has been made! I am so proud of myself and my family for their support, add some of my routines have been neglected during this vacation. I was able to clear the clutter in my worst hotspot, our sewing/craft/girls' area. When recurring I have to document that I found an entire carton of soup that was actually on my shopping list for the week. I also found a pencil box that I "thought" I had, but replaced last week when purchasing school supplies out of fear I'd never find it by Labor day!
I absolutely LOVE the love I have for myself for myself right now having accomplished so much.
Today my oldest daughter and I spent time measuring out decorations for a Halloween party we have wanted to host for three years now! It appears this year may finally be the year! More love coming through!
TGVCU day 4
Today's amazing accomplishment was reorganizing the game rack. It looks amazing! And better than that is how many games the little ones played all day, enjoying themselves, having forgotten they even owned half of these games! It probably felt like Christmas day in August.
Yesterday and today I came tothe realization that in order for me to Decker and organize what I love, I have to make a bigger mess first. But by starting on one side of the room and working my way around, as I remember the flylady suggesting, I have been successful! By clearing the tabletop on day 3, I was able to quickly organize all of our games and puzzles! I have unsuccessfully started at the other end of the room and never made it this far into the room. Yeah me!
I also want to thank God for His role in this adventure. Through my prayers, He knew of my desire to bless my family, our home, and myself with this project/vacation, and has guided me the entire time.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
TGVCU day 3
Oh no! I just did a huge declutter and forgot to take before photos, so I will take them now! My great accomplishment of the day was similar to my fly lady sink shining. I cleared my table!

TGVCU day 2
Another attempt to work the zone from the couch had me clean out a prized possession of mine. My cropper hopper! I think cleaning it out and the excitement of being able to use it will keep me focused on the rest of the project. Scrapbooks, here I come!

TGVCU day 1
So day one was minimal against all comparisons, but still quite productive and relieving. Great way to start off the project. Under new guidance from the flylady, I am learning and refreshing my cleaning skills. I am taking baby steps and decluttering every chance I get.
Anyways, back to day one. For over a year I have been upset by the realization of my oldest daughters' experimentation with their sewing machine and a handy mini machine that my mother had sent me, and the subsequent destruction of both machines. I had spent half a day a while back trying to fix their machine, to no avail. This was all the more upsetting because my machine was giving me fits and I wouldn't feel peace until I had a dependable working machine in the house. Peace arrived on day 1. In an attempt to hang out with my husband on the couch, I looked around disaster central and thought maybe I could work on the handy machine so that I felt a sense of accomplishment even though I wasn't working "in" the room. I was ecstatic when after reading the directions and familiarizing myself with the machine, I was able to successfully sew a seam! Hooray!

The great vacation clean up
The first year we moved in, it was beautiful and organized and equipped. The scrapbook area or crafting area is really only part of one wall in the basement room. Also in the room is our extensive game collection, a sewing/supplies/craft area for the girls, and a large shelved pantry used mostly for additional kitchen storage.
As of August 3rd, the room was a certifiable disaster area. This vacation was going to be different.